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Business Valuation

Valuing a business is a specialist task that draws on the years of experience of Cognitive Strategists’s team.
An invitation to conduct business valuation
A beverage company wanted to sell a business unit and approached Cognitive Strategists to valuate the business
Identified the method to valuate the company
Conducted a discussion on the nature of business and arrived at a technique to valuate such as Price/Earnings, EBITDA multiples
Conducted a due diligence
Conducted a due diligence of the business unit across various functions
Arrived at a valuation for product brands
Arrived at a price for product brands
Presentation of the due diligence seller
A report was created on the due diligence conducted
Key Milestones
Identify opportunities
The brand was acquired by a global company at a multiple of 3.5x with a manufacturing contract for 7 years.
Adjust products and business
Due Diligence Report
Gap analysis report
Identified buyers and invited for final presentation
Getting lay of the land forms the foundation
For critical business decisions in today’s fast changing market landscap. Cognitive’s success lies…
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